Joy Talbot

Operations Director

I could tell you that I’m a First Level Nurse in Learning Disabilities and have over 35 years’ experience, both of which are true, but that doesn’t convey the passion I have for my work & career.

At Advanced Caring Limited we understand that every person is an individual, with their own personality traits, their own likes, dislikes, wishes, dreams and aspirations. These might change over time but as long as there are choices and opportunities to make those changes we all have the opportunity to be fulfilled, contented people.

As a Director of the company I always personally aim to guide, motivate & drive our support team to take time to get to know each and every person we support. I see myself as a role model who actively promotes and encourages the team to be creative and to always adopt a person-centred approach towards developing personal care pathways for the people who choose to access the services we offer.

At Advanced Caring we pride ourselves on the support service we provide and we are always looking for ways to improve what we do and how we do it.

Although the nature of my work can involve long and sometimes antisocial hours, I like to keep myself fit and, in particular, enjoy sports lifting and competing in Girevoy Kettlebell Sport competitions. The effort and concentration required allow me to switch off for a while – but I’m always on the other end of the phone, if needed.

Phone: 01302 811843
Mobile: 07970 058153